Lost Username or Password

Customer Care Center password
If you lost the password for the Customer Care Center you can get a new one via the link at the bottom of the login page at http://www.managedomain.nl/

FTP password
You can reset your FTP password via the Customer Care Center. Login, then click on the domain, then choose FTP in the main menu.

MySQL password
We will reset the MySQL wachtwoord on request (send us an e-mail on support@hensel.nl). Please be aware that after changing a database password, all sites using that login, will not work anymore! If you know that it is in use, it’s better to check any config files via FTP. Common names for it are config.php or /config/config.php , settings.php etc. For WordPress wp_config.php is in use.

Username lost
If you lost the username for your Customer Care Center you can request it via the link at the bottom of the login page on http://www.managedomain.nl/